They have ‘Timebomb’, ‘Ugh! Your Ugly Houses’ and a veritable feast of other chirpy, chanty, blood’n’chunder boogaloos which, on their day, can make the decidedly ubiquitous ‘Tubthumping’ sound about as commercial as a Val Doonican ragga mix.

They have catchy catchphrases masquerading as lyrics. Otherwise, Chumbawamba remain heartily committed to the cause, ie, being bastards of the poppiest order. To indicate what sort of crowd the Chumbies now attract after years of cult fervour and a couple of smasheroonies, the biggest cheers are for a) the aforementioned anti-fascist stall, b) a cryptic dig at Tony Blair and c) Danbert Nobacon’s quite alarming array of suits, in that particular order. Tonight is some kind of homecoming, a trip down to the Town & Country having successfully annexed half of the Western world. They look like a cross between The Sugarcubes and Featherstone Rovers rugby club. Chumbawamba have been together for approximately 3,000 years.

Dull Crass copyists manipulating cobwebs in the corner of their mouldy middle eights? Hardly, if this bolshy pop fandango is anything to go by. Soggy-brained librarian liberal sellouts? Yeah, until the raucous cheer that follows the mention of the presence of an anti-fascist stall at the back of the venue. One-hit wonders? Yeah, until this week when ‘Amnesia’ marched into the Top Ten.