There are six of these – three light side and three dark side. When you hit level 15 you can pick a prestige class. If you’re focusing on defensive powers, it’s a good idea to keep on the light side of the Force, but if you want to use offensive powers, you should definitely be a dark side jerk. Focus on Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution points. They’re going to get Force Powers on a regular basis, and get more Force Points to spend on them as well. This is the character to pick if you want to focus on Force powers over combat. Aim for a balanced set of attributes, and a mix between combat and support feats and powers. They’ve got a decent class feat that diminishes the effects of attacks that cause fear or stun your character. The Sentinel is sort of a jack-of-all-trades, a bridge class between the combat focus of the Guardian and the Force focus of the Consular. Still on the fence? Check out our Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 mobile review to get our full thoughts Sentinel

Don’t worry about support powers for your main character, but no make sure you give them to the NPCs in your party if you choose a Jedi Guardian. Burst of Speed is a great Force Power to work towards as well. Get the Dual-Wielding feat, and focus on maxing out the Flurry feat.

Look at your Wisdom too, since that’ll help with your force powers. When you’re building one you should think about focusing on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.