There are a limited number of save slots per character.You can import them into Mass Effect 3, and your choices will affect many of the side-missions, and some other subtle options. I recommend saving in a new slot when you first land on a plot planet and before starting every major plot point.These saves stay with your character, so they won't overwrite other games. Use the Save Menu to save in new slots on occasion.It'd suck to screw one up only to have to reload from a slot you saved an hour or more ago. Quick Save before every Conversation, Hack, or Bypass.I'll only mention this once: Save often.The Save Game Editor is also a handy way to unlock squad-only weapons that you'd normally not have access to.After starting a new game and getting to the first point where you can save, it is also a good idea to double-check the imported plot points are correct for the new ME2 save. Go through and be sure the plot points are correct.

Use the config program to import, then quit the game and open the imported save game with the Trilogy Save Editor, linked above.

The Legendary Edition doesn't support nearly as many mods. To get the Downloadable Content (install these before starting a new game): Mass Effect 2 Downloads, Hints & Cheats Nightsolo's Mass Effect 2 Downloads, Hints, & Cheats